Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 29

Happy Mother's Day everyone.

I wasn't very hungry yesterday. I was really busy all day and didn't eat much or drink much. Possibly because of that, I was down almost a pound this morning to 188.6. I had six sausage links and a piece of cheese about 11 AM and then four chicken thighs for dinner about 6 PM. I also had a slice of cheese around 4 PM because I was hungry and on the run.

I think I have the tea routine down now. I have been having some unsweetened tea earlier in the day and a single tea bag's worth (I make two cups out a teabag) in the evening. I add one drop of liquid Splenda per cup and a splash of cream. It is not sweet; the cream and Splenda just smooth it out. The tea at night is very relaxing and is very nice after dinner. This seems to be working well for me.

The last two days have been very busy doing projects around the house. For the last couple of years, I have been doing the bare minimum. I have been low on energy and I would get tired very easily. I couldn't get much done because of it and a lot of tasks just seemed monumentally difficult to even start. I noticed over the last two days that it wasn't difficult to get going and I didn't run out of energy. I didn't need breaks and got through them. I was tired afterwards but it didn't last long. This is pretty nice.

K has still been eating this way and is doing fine. This was her four week update time but, hormonally, it isn't a good time to weigh or measure. Since we will be gone next weekend, she will have to wait and do a six week update.

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